Top Ten Fashion Tips – What to Wear to Church For Greek Easter

Greek fashion week, Greek Easter

This ecard has popped up in my Facebook news feed a few times this week. It made me stop and laugh because there is some truth in the joke…

This funny little quote has inspired me to write a blog post about fashion and what to wear to Church for Greek Easter. Please share your own fashion tip in the comments section at the end of this article or on our Facebook page.

Fashion Expectations

You get told about all the rules from a very young age. There are certain expectations for what you can and can not wear to Church. If Yiayia doesn’t like what you are wearing, then you might not be able to leave the house until you find something more appropriate! Boys get it a little easier. The boys just need to wear a suit, shirt and a tie and they can get away with almost anything. However us girls have a much harder task when it comes to deciding on our Church outfit.

Your Church Wardrobe

Deciding what to wear to Church can be a really hard decision to make. In my opinion, this is why Holy Week at Church is often labelled the Fashion Parade or Greek Fashion Week. We have to put so much thought in to out outfits to make sure that it is appropriate and respectful.

Women are expected to wear skirts and stockings. You can’t show too much skin and you need to cover your shoulders. You can’t look like you’re going out to a nightclub but at the same time you don’t want to look too corporate. You don’t want to wear something that you have already worn to another big event like a wedding or christening (because people will remember) and you can’t wear last years Church outfit either.

Black Dress

Image found here:

God Doesn’t Care About Your Outfit:

Some people will probably think that I am being a bit superficial in this blog post. Surely your outfit will make no difference to God, right? The purpose of going to Church should be purely spiritual. It is about you and your own personal connection to your Faith. It has nothing to do with what you are wearing or how you look. Whilst I wholeheartedly believe in this truth, I also know that it is a very common conversation amongst Greek women around the world. Shopping for a new Church outfit at Easter time has become a tradition just like dyeing red eggs or making Easter Candles. What you wear to Church is an important topic to think about. My experience over the years have taught me a few lessons… here are my top ten tips for what to wear to Church for Greek Easter:


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Greek Dinner Around The World

Greek Dinner Around the World

On January 15th I was invited to attend a party.

This wasn’t just any party. It was a very unique Greek Dinner with friends from all around the world. Together we celebrated our Greek heritage, our Greek culture and our love for Greek food.

The Greek Dinner was hosted by Keri Douglas from the blog 9 Muses News and the goal was to celebrate Greek cuisine and promote amazing people, authors, chefs and businesses who are connected to Greece. Keri did exactly that… and we all had a great time helping her.

Here are some of my favourite highlights from our Greek Dinner Around the World: Continue reading